Why You Should Avoid a One-Size-Fits-All Approach When Addressing Your Posture
Oh, posture… Just the thought of posture brings me back to hearing my mom yell from across the living room to “sit up straight” as I would hunch over and watch my favorite TV show. Like many of you, I’ve been told that bringing my shoulders back and sticking my chest out is how proper posture is achieved. This idea has been mass adopted; it is viewed as proper weightlifting form and taught in many “posture correcting” techniques like Yoga and Pilates. We’re sold posture correcting braces, clothing, and other devices that all set out to put our bodies into this same position. Although the intention behind these techniques and products are good, they all share one major flaw: they assume every individual has the exact same postural issue. In essence, they take a one-size-fits-all approach to posture.
One-size-fits-all approaches only solve one-size problems – and posture couldn’t be further from a one-size problem. There are over 120 million possible combinations of postural issues. Meaning every individual’s postural issues are unique to them. With such a complex issue, the only correct approach to posture is one that can both identify and correct each individuals’ unique problems. Fortunately, this approach exists; it is called Chiropractic Biophysics (CBP). Since the 1980’s, CBP has become the most researched technique system in Chiropractic. With over 250 peer reviewed research articles investigating its effectiveness, including 15 randomized clinical trials. CBP works by applying specific adjustments, spinal traction, and corrective exercises uniquely designed for each individual. So, if you have tried traditional techniques or products with limited or no success, the first step toward improving your posture will be finding a doctor certified in CBP analysis and corrective methods. These doctors will use the latest methods of biomechanical analysis to measure and assess the severity of your posture and will review the evidence-based methods that can be used to help manage, improve and possibly correct your unique issues.
Here at Modern Chiropractic Center, we are proud to be one of the largest CBP clinics in the world. We have the staff and doctors you need to get you standing tall with more confidence and enjoying life again. Please give our office a call at 208-629-1904 (Boise location) or 208-467-1975 (Nampa location) to get scheduled for a free consultation and exam to determine whether or not we will be able to help fix your postural issues.