ScoliBrace and Kyphobrace
The start to living pain-free starts with a one-on-one consultation with one of our chiropractors.
Chiropractor’s at Modern Chiropractic Center will work to:
- Stabilize progressive scoliosis
- Stabilize hunchback postures
- Increase mobility
To learn more about ScoliBrace and Kyphobrace. Call us To Schedule! (208) 629-1904

At our Modern Chiropractic Centers in Idaho, we hope to be able to manage your scoliosis using scoliosis specific exercises, scoliosis traction and other rehabilitative methods. However, some curves are already very large or are at very high risk of rapid worsening. In these cases, we may recommend wearing a scoliosis brace.
There are several different approaches to bracing for scoliosis.
Boston Brace: The most common “brand” of scoliosis brace prescribed in North America is called the Boston Brace. This brace is fitted to the child’s body and custom molded from plastic. It works by applying three-point pressure (works primarily in one-dimension only) to the curvature to prevent its progression. The original Boston braces were designed to prevent progression basically by squeezing the patient and holding the curve.
Charleston Bending Brace: This brace is different in that it is only worn while sleeping. This brace is molded to the patient while they are bent to the side, and thus applies more pressure and bends the child against the curve. This pressure improves the corrective action of the brace. This type of brace is worn only at night while the child is asleep. Many studies have shown that the Charleston Nighttime brace may be as effective as the above-described 23-hour-a-day brace wear, but only for certain types (locations) of curves.
The Modern “ScoliBrace” The new ScoliBrace is unique and different from the above traditional braces. Unlike the older generations of rigid spinal braces, a ScoliBrace is designed to position the patient in an over-corrected position that is essentially the “mirror-image” of the patient’s original deformity. The outcome is a reduction of the scoliosis in most cases, in addition to decreasing rib humping, shoulder unleveling, and other postural distortions. In most cases the overall posture and appearance of the patient’s body is greatly improved.

The ScoliBrace is patient friendly. It opens and closes at the front making it easy to wear and remove without assistance. This is in contrast to the inconvenience of the Boston Brace which opens in the rear of the brace. The brace is a lower profile that allows freedom of movement and concealment under clothing.

Scoliosis is a 3-dimensional condition. Effective treatments need to be 3 dimensional too. Each ScoliBrace is custom made by using 3D body scans in conjunction with X-rays and posture photos. Each brace is then designed using Computer Aided Design (CAD) software and custom made. Modification can be made in-office, allowing the doctor to “personalize” the brace even further for both comfort and effectiveness.
Bracing is most beneficial for curves between 20 and 50 degrees. However, we have experience bracing curves over 70 degrees for those patients who could not or would not have surgery. ScoliBrace is effective in bracing infants and adolescents, as well as young and older adults.
Bracing for Kyphosis:
Many people suffer with a greatly increased rounding of the back, or what we call hyperkyphosis. This produces a “hunchback” appearance. While most patients despise how this rounding of the back looks, research has shown that it is also correlated with poorer health and even shorter lifespan. So, there are very good reasons to try to improve the rounded back (hyperkyphosis) problem. At our Modern Chiropractic Centers, we hope to be able to improve hyperkyphosis with the uses of corrective exercises and hyperkyphosis traction. However, some problems are already very severe, or perhaps too stiff and rigid for in-office treatment alone. This is where bracing for hyperkyphosis becomes a fantastic option to help try to reduce those rounded back postures.
The ScoliBrace and KyphoBrace process:
You can call our office to schedule a free consultation to see if in-office rehabilitation and/or the ScoliBrace may work for you and your specific scoliosis curvature. We even see patients from out of the area by arranging for both in office, intensive treatment for a period of 1-4 weeks, sometimes combined with scanning and fitting of the ScoliBrace. Call us today to see if you may qualify as an out-of-town patient.
Did you know that ScoliBrace and KyphoBrace can help with:
- Stabilize progressive scoliosis
- Stabilize hunchback postures
- Increase mobility
- Improve daily function
- Improve painful scoliosis in elderly

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