Can Chiropractic Help with Scoliosis?

As an expert entrenched in the non-surgical treatment of scoliosis, the question of whether chiropractic care can aid those battling this spine condition is one I encounter frequently. The short answer is nuanced, and understanding the role of chiropractic manipulation alongside other non-surgical treatments offers a comprehensive outlook on managing scoliosis.

Chiropractic care, a practice deeply rooted in the manipulation of the spine to improve health, often raises eyebrows in its application to scoliosis treatment. It’s crucial to note that current research does not support chiropractic manipulation as a method to significantly slow the progression or correct the curvature in scoliosis patients. However, dismissing chiropractic care entirely from the scoliosis care spectrum would be an oversight of its potential benefits.

Chiropractor working with young girl affected by scoliosis
chiropractic care for scoliosis

The Role of Chiropractic Care in Scoliosis Management

Firstly, chiropractors are frequently the pioneers in detecting scoliosis, especially in adolescents. Our trained eyes and hands can often discern subtle abnormalities in spine curvature before they become more pronounced. This early detection is crucial for managing the condition effectively.

Many patients, driven by pain or discomfort, turn to chiropractic care as a first line of defense. While it’s understood that adjustments won’t correct scoliosis, they can play a significant role in pain management and enhancing spine mobility. This is where chiropractic care shines; by alleviating discomfort and improving quality of life, we can support patients as they navigate their journey with scoliosis.

Knowing When to Refer

A crucial aspect of chiropractic care in the context of scoliosis treatment is knowing when to refer patients for advanced case management. The reality is, not all scoliosis cases can be effectively managed with chiropractic care alone, especially those that are progressive or severe. Recognizing the limits of our practice is fundamental to providing the best care for our patients. Advanced interventions, such as scoliosis-specific exercises and bracing, often need to be incorporated into the treatment plan.

Scoliosis-Specific Exercises and Bracing

Adherence to SOSORT guidelines illuminates a path for effective non-surgical scoliosis management. Scoliosis-specific exercises, like ScoliBalance, have demonstrated efficacy in managing this condition. These targeted exercises are designed to improve posture and spinal balance, strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine to increase spine stability, and in some cases, help halt the curvature’s progression and, in some case, reduce the size of the curve.

Bracing, another non-surgical intervention, can be particularly effective for preventing surgery in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and decreasing pain and progression in adults with scoliosis. When combined with scoliosis-specific exercises and under the supervision of specialists, bracing can play a pivotal role in managing scoliosis without the need for surgical intervention.

Embracing a Multidisciplinary Approach

As a chiropractor deeply immersed in the non-surgical treatment of scoliosis, I advocate for a multidisciplinary approach. Collaboration with physical therapists, chiropractors, orthopedic specialists, and other healthcare providers ensures a comprehensive care plan tailored to each patient’s unique needs. By leveraging our collective expertise, we can offer our patients the best possible outcomes.

In conclusion, while chiropractic care might not correct scoliosis, its role in managing pain and enhancing spinal mobility is undeniable. As first responders in detecting this condition, chiropractors play a crucial role in the multidisciplinary care team, guiding patients through their treatment journey and knowing when to integrate additional non-surgical interventions for optimal management. Scoliosis is a multifaceted condition, and its management requires an equally multifaceted approach. Through collaborative care, informed by the latest research and guidelines, we can make significant strides in improving the lives of those with scoliosis.

About the author:

Dr. Chris Gubbels is a specialist in the non-surgical treatment of scoliosis and kyphosis.  He is an active member of the International Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT), Advanced certified in Chiropractic BioPhysics, Certified Scolibrace provider, level II Scolibalance certified and founder of ScoliCare Denver, a specality clinic that focuses on the non-surgical scoliosis treatment in Denver, CO.


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